The Elder Scrolls: Blade is postponed to 2019
Unveiled during the last E3, the very promising The Elder Scrolls: Blade (on mobile ) seems to stall on the finishes while the development of the game seemed yet very advanced. After several postponements (the release of the game was originally scheduled for the first of September) the title of Bethesda will finally be ready only in early 2019. The latest game demos on the iPhone X, very impressive, indicated that the development had not progressed significantly in recent months, as if Bethesda had allocated its resources on other projects Fallout 76 by example). The very fresh reception of the multi-player Fallout may also explain this umpteenth report. It is indeed not crazy to think that Bethesda has to spend a lot of energy and human resources to fix the many bugs of Fallout 76, which should leave little time for the Elder Scrolls Blade finishes (tests and bug fixes). The publisher seems, in any case, to have lost some of its aurae after the release of Fallout 76; and it is probably better than a late Elder Scrolls Blade but without bugs, that the opposite …