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The digital revolution is underway


There are many smart apps for kids these days. These apps are designed to keep kids entertained and interested in the latest technology.

The best smart apps for kids vary depending on your child’s age, so it’s important to research which app is best for your child.

Some of the best smart apps for kids include:

  • Disney Story Maker;
  • Disney Story Studio;
  • Peppa Pig’s world;
  • Thomas and his friends;
  • The Story of Ferdinand;
  • Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales.
  • Minecraft Kids;
  • Creator of Super Mario;
  • Adventures of Alice and Wonderland;
  • Toca Tailor 2.

10 tips to keep kids safe, organized and entertained

1. create a “screen-free” zone in your home;

2. limit screen time for children under 6;

3. ensure screens are not too close to beds or cribs;

4. also consider limiting screen time for older children;

5. encourage outdoor play and physical activity instead of screen time;

6. keep screens out of bedrooms;

7. plan family outings around nature and outdoor activities;

8. use technology as a tool to encourage creativity, problem solving and imagination;

9. use technology as a tool to teach social skills such as empathy, emotional intelligence, etc;

10. Regularly discuss with your family the benefits of using technology.


Tips to help your child overcome their fear of new technologies

This is a guide for parents who want to help their children overcome their fear of new technologies. Talk about your own experience with new technologies. Explain to your child how you have actually enjoyed and benefited from new technologies in the past. For example, if you were worried that a smartphone would slow down your brain and hurt your productivity, explain how you used the internet at work. Set expectations and limits. Talk about the benefits and limitations of new technology, explain what it can do, and set clear expectations for when it’s appropriate to use it. Teach kids to use apps safely, If a child comes across an app they want to download, but you don’t think is right for them, help them find another app or activity that works for them.


With the help of AI, education becomes more accessible and fun

The future of education is here. With the help of AI, education becomes more accessible and fun. In fact, AI is already playing a major role in classrooms and in the classroomless world. With the help of AI, educators can focus on what they do best: teaching and learning. They may also take care of administrative tasks such as grading and scheduling. Some schools have already started using AI assistants to take the workload off teachers while providing them with feedback on their students’ learning progress. The future of education has arrived, and it is here. AI can be used to make teaching more effective and efficient.


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