so often sex is enough for a good relationship
Sex every day to keep your relationship fun? Well no. According to Canadian research, once a week is more than enough.
The research was done by the University of Toronto and is based on surveys completed over the past forty (!) years by more than thirty thousand people: young and old, couple or married. Thanks to that large database, the researchers were able to see whether happy couples had sex more often or less often than couples in an unhappy relationship.
The conclusion? Couples who have sex once a week are happier than others. “People often think that having more sex guarantees a better relationship or our happiness, but that’s only true to a certain extent,” said lead researcher Amy Muise. According to Muise, it is not about the amount of sex, but about the intimacy in a relationship.
Also read: In a rut? This is how you make it exciting again between the sheets, according to a sexologist
And intimacy, that’s exactly what you can get in all kinds of ways. For example, go to bed at the same time, or sleep naked more often. Relationship expert Paulien Timmer: “If you both sleep naked, you are more likely to open up and you can experience intimacy better.”
The above factors also increase the chance of having sex, but you do not have to reach that average of twice a week to become extra happy. If that intimacy is okay, so it’s best to skip it if you don’t feel like it.
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