
‘I told my daughter that vegetables are green Nibbits’

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Handy or pedagogically irresponsible? All discussions aside, sometimes it’s quite handy: such a white lie.

Gertie (37): “I like to write stories for my children. Last year, when the kids were five and seven, there was a little too much nose picking for my taste. I then wrote a story about the snot bubble man, a very dirty little man who lives in the noses of people who pick their noses.

Snot Bubble Man

The children even warned each other after that story if they saw that the other was picking their nose to prevent the snot bubble man from living in their nose. The nose picking phase is now over. If they still put their hand to their nose and I say ‘snot bubble man’, then they have to laugh very hard.”

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Harma (40): “My thirteen-year-old daughter went through a phase when she was little where she refused to eat green beans. I then convinced her that they were not vegetables, but green Nibbits. Well, since then they went in like sweet cake.”

Read also – Mother comes up with genius trick to get children to eat more vegetables (and it works) >


Renee (28): “My parents once brilliantly lied to my brother and me. Together we had dug up a ‘treasure’, a chest of coins. Until we were twenty, my farmer and I believed that treasure really belonged to the farmer who used to live on that piece of land.

However, it turned out that my parents themselves filled and buried that box – which contained about four hundred guilders, in coins of five and twenty-five cents. My parents used the ‘found’ money to buy us shares in a green fund, and they put the proceeds in a separate account until we were old enough to access it ourselves.”

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