
Has Signal been hacked? That’s behind the rumor

Signal is considered a secure messenger, which has gained in importance in Eastern Europe due to the war in Ukraine. People can use this to communicate in encrypted form and do not run the risk of being spied on. Now the rumor has been that the messenger has been hacked and compromised. There is an official statement on this.

Signal Messenger has not been hacked

According to a representative of Signal, a rumor is currently being spread in Eastern Europe that the messenger has been hacked and is not secure. This is not the case, Signal announces officially. Signal remains secure and has not been hacked. It is assumed that Rumor will be spread so that people use unsafe messengerswhich are not encrypted:

According to a message sent to us, it should be a “targeted and coordinated disinformation campaign” Act. It also explains that “Signal’s security concept would not allow such an attack either, since the encryption happens on the user’s end devices”.

The use of the encrypted signal messenger has increased massively in the last few days, especially in Ukraine, and even exceeded that of Telegram for the first time:

So there is a lot of interest Having a secure messenger that is offered for free at the same time. An alternative would be Threema, but you have to pay something for it, so there is a small hurdle to using it.

Signal is one of the best WhatsApp alternatives:

Signal founder advises against Telegram

The Signal founder, Moxie Marlinspike, warns all people in Ukraine against using a messenger like Telegram to exchange important information. The messenger is not encrypted by default. And even the Telegram founder warns against his own messenger.

Stiftung Warentest recently named Signal the best messenger with a high level of security. Telegram was not tested because Stiftung Warentest no longer sees the messenger as such, but as a social network.

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