
Correct ventilation – and how friction in a team can be avoided

We’ll have to talk about it again this winter: aerosols. The tiny suspended particles fly through the air and are known to play a major role in infection with Covid-19. Like pollen that is blown up by the wind, aerosols also spread in the room, condense and can thus pass the virus on to humans via the air. This is one of the reasons why correct ventilation is once again relevant for preventive control these days.

Intermittent ventilation, cross ventilation, tilted windows – what helps?

Science agrees: fresh air through ventilation is good for the body. (Photo: Shutterstock)

Actually a deeply German virtue and yet, it turns out, there is disagreement about how properly to ventilate. The general public knows three types of ventilation: burst ventilation, cross ventilation and tilted windows. While the first two methods are effective, the latter does next to nothing. The tilted window, that much can be said at the beginning, can be crossed off the list, because an air exchange would take forever. What remains is the shock and cross ventilation. If office workers have the option, they should use cross ventilation. Because: This is the fastest way to guarantee a complete exchange of air.

“One of them still wears a T-shirt when it’s freezing cold, others freeze even in summer.”

For cross ventilation, those interested open two windows opposite one another, the air flows into one and the other out. Obvious. The draft is the best way to carry aerosols out of the room. But burst ventilation is also helpful, especially in smaller rooms. Both of these are particularly helpful if the room is well ventilated once an hour for around 10 to 15 minutes – this is the recommendation of the virologists. And this is exactly where the problem often arises, because, as always, it usually struggles with the user. The team almost never decides whether to ventilate or not without minor friction. One of them is still wearing a T-shirt when it is below freezing, others are freezing even in summer.

So who decides? Of course the boss, right? The correct answer is: No, it shouldn’t be done by decree. Because even when it comes to room temperature, an employer has a duty to protect and should ensure that nobody has to freeze unnecessarily. But how are you doing otherwise? First of all, everyone in the team should be convinced of the blessings of ventilation: In addition to the preventive corona measure, good air also has the advantage that on the one hand each person’s ability to concentrate benefits and on the other hand the organs are better supplied with oxygen, which promotes energy conversion.

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By the way, CO2 measuring devices are good indicators for air quality. Whether the air is good or bad is something that can be argued about. A fairly impartial referee can be found in the helpful gadgets. If the CO2 value in the room is high, this also applies to the aerosol pollution. Because both values โ€‹โ€‹increase the more exhaled air there is in the room. It is fascinating to see how quickly the devices turn when there are only five people in one room. Anyone who thinks it is an exaggeration to ventilate once an hour will quickly be taught otherwise. Yes, it can make you breathless!

Just switch to draft

So: The new smoking is not ventilation! Perhaps with this claim one or the other person can be convinced to open the window wide more often. Those who consider the second step will benefit from this: draw up an agreement together – regardless of whether it is based on the general recommendation of virologists or on individual warning signals from a technical helper. If the team draws up a jointly agreed rule and ensures that it is adhered to, there is no stress. Chilblains can expect it to get cold for a moment and during this time simply go to the company kitchen for a warm tea.

The best way to resolve disputes in the team about ventilation is probably the most effective method: moving back to the home office. There, employees can decide for themselves which yardstick to apply to their air quality, without annoying or endangering other colleagues. The home office, which cannot be argued about, is one of the best methods for office workers to counter the spread of Covid-19. Anyone who occasionally comes to the office for important meetings is certainly more willing to compromise.

By the way, you might also be interested in this post: Due to the recent Corona-Wella, entire companies in Germany are switching to the home office again. But how does that work again – and what do employers and employees have to consider? The t3n Guide provides practical and understandable answers. Also read: “Productive despite Corona – The free t3n guide to moving to the home office”

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