
With this tool you check your Warzone skill rating

With this free online tool you can check your Call of Duty: Warzone skill rating, K / D and many more statistics of all your played games.

Call of Duty: Warzone has a lot of problems, but skill-based match making (SBMM) is rarely in the news. The popular franchise estimates how good you are by means of algorithms and places you with comparable players. But because this system is so opaque, players can take advantage of it or you could be unknowingly disadvantaged. With this tool you can check what your skill rating in Warzone is.

Check warzone skill rating

Skill based match making has been a topic of discussion among Call of Duty fans for years. The system must create fair matches by bringing together comparable players. But especially in recent Modern Warfare, this system was so incredibly rigorous and unsubtle that players stumbled upon it.

Warzone also apparently involves skill-based match making, in which the rating of players and the K / D ratio are included in the calculation. A new free tool called SBMMWarzone gives you more info about what kind of lobby you are in. Don’t ask me how the website can find out this information, but everything is just fine.

When you enter your username, you will see all your played games, including date, amount of kills, your place in the game and so on. If you then click on a game, you can see who was in that game and what the rating of the game was. Apparently I’m pretty bad at the game and end up in Bronze lobbies, usually in the lowest few percent of players.

Either way, the tool will give you an idea of ​​what your actual skill rating in Warzone is. You have little influence on what the game does to you. Some players take matters into their own hands and deliberately lose a few pots so that their rating is adjusted. But I wouldn’t recommend that to anyone; just play the game and leave the SBMM for what it is. Unless you want to roast your mates with their meager K / D, of course, because then the tool is incredibly useful.

Also read: How to: Sniping in Warzone and Modern Warfare

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