‘7 million Dutch people use WhatsApp calling’
New research shows that WhatsApp calling is popular among the Dutch. According to the figures, approximately 7 million Dutch people would actively call via the chat application.
WhatsApp calling is popular in the Netherlands
If we rely on the figures from research agency Telecompaper, we make extensive use of calling via WhatsApp in the Netherlands. The analysts estimate that about 7 million Dutch people use the calling function in the green-colored chat app at least once a month. In the last months of 2020, the number of calling minutes averaged 25 minutes. A year earlier that was 21 minutes. The situation around corona may also have something to do with this. Three million Dutch people use video calling via WhatsApp at least once a month.
WhatsApp is popular in the Netherlands. According to Telecompaper, the chat app can be found on about 95 percent of Dutch devices. Facebook Messenger is therefore a lot less installed; approximately 58 percent.
We don’t know how many people start a call by mistake because the bell icon is pressed by mistake :).