
‘Your AirPods will know when danger threatens in the future’

Apple has received a patent for a new AirPods safety feature. The feature detects when danger threatens and adjusts the volume of the AirPods accordingly.

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Safer out and about with your AirPods

Apple’s wireless earbuds are everywhere. People wear their AirPods at home on the couch, but also in places where danger threatens, such as in traffic. The focus of users is therefore regularly on the music – and not on speeding cars. This can lead to life-threatening situations. Apple recently applied for a patent to make the earphones a bit safer in the future.

The patent describes a function where the AirPods automatically lower the volume in dangerous places. When the user is near a busy crosswalk, for example. The earbuds know this based on GPS data, which comes in via your iPhone or Apple Watch. The lower volume of the music allows users to focus their attention on the traffic again. After crossing the road, the volume will go up again.

The earphones can also change volume individually. For example, are you to the left of a ticking traffic light? Then only the volume of your right earpiece will go down, so that you can clearly hear when you are allowed to drive or cross the road. Whether the function will really work in such detail is still the question, but it would be really cool.

Also read: ‘AirPods Pro get special sensors for improved control’

More about Apple’s wireless earphones of the future

The current AirPods are already extremely popular, but Apple is far from finished. In the future, the earphones are said to receive many new technical gadgets, including all kinds of health sensors. With this, the AirPods will soon be able to measure your heart rate, for example, and they will know exactly how many steps you take. We’ll have to wait a little longer for this – the next generation AirPods won’t get this feature yet.

This fall, Apple is expected to release the AirPods Pro 2. The current AirPods Pro have not been upgraded since 2019, so it is time for Apple to give the ears a major refresh. The earphones get a longer battery life and better sound, but the design remains largely the same.

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