you have to pay attention to this
Image: Shutterstock
There is nothing more fun than renting a boat and going out on the water with the whole family. But how do you ensure that you sail safely with children? The most important tips at a glance.
Which boat?
A sailboat, motorboat or sloop: whatever you rent, make sure that the boat is big enough for the whole family. Consider, for example, a spacious middle section – for example with a table or sofa – where your children can play on the go. It is also useful if the boat has sufficient storage options, because you can count on taking a lot of stuff with you if you go on the water all day.
The most important thing you should of course pay attention to: make sure you sail safely with your children. We have listed a number of things that you should find out in advance:
Always make sure that your child does not hang over the edge of the boat or sloop and that he remains in a fixed place that is clear to you as soon as you leave or dock the boat.
If something goes wrong and your child unexpectedly falls into the water, a life jacket can make all the difference. So always make sure that your child is wearing a life jacket while sailing. If he ends up in the water, the vest ensures that he lies on his back and that his mouth and nose are not submerged.
Please note: if you have a baby on board, have him wear a swim diaper. In an ordinary diaper, which retains air, his buttocks rise above the water and her head goes under the water. A life jacket is then of no use.
Always make sure that the life jacket fits the weight of your child. So never buy it on the growth. It is wise to test the use of a life jacket first, for example in the swimming pool. This prevents your child from panicking if he falls into the water while sailing.
Are you going to sail with very small children? Then it can be smart to use a lifeline. This is a kind of belt that you can fasten around the waist of toddlers, so that your child cannot walk or crawl far away from you.
You may consider purchasing a railing net: a net that you stretch over the railing, so that your child cannot fall overboard. In this way, items such as drinking cups and toys also fall into the water less quickly.
An accident often happens in a small corner. Therefore, make sure you bring a first aid kit on board, including plasters, paracetamol, scissors and tweezers.
Is your child prone to seasickness? Take some pills with you that prevent seasickness as much as possible. It also helps if your child keeps his eyes on the horizon and eats enough, because a full stomach ensures that you are less likely to suffer from seasickness.
Also don’t forget a tube of sunscreen, because especially on the water the sun is higher and your child burns faster. A cap, sunglasses and clothing that protect your child’s back and shoulders from the sun should also not be missing in the bag.
Also read: You should pay attention to this when you go to a recreational lake with your child
Tips for the road
Take enough things with you for the trip with which they can have fun. For you it is wonderful to sit in the sun with a glass of wine, but your child can quickly get bored if not much is happening. Bring toys, games and stuffed animals and of course enough goodies to satisfy hunger and thirst.
Before you set out, also research which route you want to take. Of course you can just go sailing and see where you end up, but for children it is so much fun to make trips along the way. Are there playgrounds nearby, can you moor in nice villages where there are plenty of activities for children? Even if you are only ashore for an hour, your child will then board in good spirits for the next part of the route.
Also involve your child in boating if he is old enough to do so. Let it turn at the helm and explain what certain buttons are for. This makes him feel useful and makes sailing extra fun.
Source: Children On Board
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