
“When is it socially acceptable to move in together?”

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When is it socially acceptable to move in with your new love after the divorce? We’re all just guessing, including these parents.

Marlies (38), mother of Noa (9) and Pierre (7):

“Does that exist, a suitable term to start living together? I think years of dating are no more guarantee of success than weeks.

Live together

We already knew during our marriages that Joost and I wanted to continue together. The ink on our divorce papers was barely dry when we signed the purchase contract for our new home.

Everything went seamlessly. His son and daughter had grown up with mine; Joost and his ex had been good friends of my ex and me for years. In fact, our children already felt like brothers and sisters to each other.

“It cost us a lot of friendships and the good relationship with our exes”

Of course, an eyebrow was raised here and there that Joost and I continued together immediately after our marriage. It cost us a lot of friendships and the good relationship with our exes. But the children were immediately happy and still are to this day – four years later. Us too: we are working hard on a child of ours together.”

Read also – New love turns out to be a soft father: ‘He prefers harmony to maintenance’ >

Make it official

Noëmie (37), mother of Bram (8) and Kurd (6):

“’Mom, just get a friend’, my kids have been saying for ages. They think it’s a bad idea that I’m alone on the weekends when they’re with their father. “I’m having a great time,” I say. “I’ve got the dog, haven’t I and girlfriends?”

“If it clicks from all sides, we will pack our bags before the summer”

What my children don’t know is that I’ve been spending those days for more than six months at Peter and his children’s house, two miles away. We like it so much that we are planning to officially move in together. Soon I will introduce Peter to my children. If it clicks from all sides, we will pack our bags before the summer.”

This article was previously published in Kek Mama.

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