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What solutions to recycle your broken phone?

With the advancement of technology, it is increasingly common to see cell phones fail or break. However, it is important to remember that simply throwing your phone in the trash is not an acceptable option. Fortunately, there are several solutions to properly recycle your broken phone. There are several collection points for electronic and electrical waste across France, where mobile phones can be collected and sent for recycling, for more information visit this site.

Solutions for recycling broken phones

Sorting center

Approved waste collection centers are sorting centers that collect household waste, bulky items and electronic waste, including electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and light bulbs. In these collection points, broken cell phones will be collected along with other electronics and household appliances. They will be sorted and separated according to their manufacturing materials to be recycled efficiently. Materials such as metals, iron and plastics can be recovered and reused to make new products.

Website and community collection

There are many resale websites second-hand phones. On the other hand, it is recommended to use the platforms approved by the telephone operators to guarantee the good sanitary condition and the legality of the purchase.

The community of municipalities can thus offer collection programs and recycling electronic waste. Local authorities have a particular responsibility in the management of household waste on their territory and, as such, develop dedicated recycling channels for each type of waste.

Change him

Another way to recycle your broken phone is to bring it back to your phone company or an authorized distributor. They can either pick up the phones for recycling themselves or send them to appropriate recycling centers for drop-off.

Operators also provide many services to consumers in terms of waste management, by recovering damaged devices that can no longer be repaired. It is also possible to resell or give away your broken phone, this allows you to give the device a second life by recovering parts in good condition from reconditioning.

Moreover, you can surely trade in your old phone with your mobile carrier when buying a new phone.

At Apple, for example, you potentially trade in a compatible device for credit towards your next purchase or an Apple Store gift card. However, if your device is not eligible for a credit, it will be recycled for free, regardless of its condition. Apple Stores also recycle devices from other brands on an identical basis. Many manufacturers, such as Samsung, Huawei, and LG, offer free mail-in recycling of their old phones and offer gift cards in exchange. Visit the manufacturer’s website or call their customer service department for information about their repair and recycling service.

However, to preserve your phone and extend the life of your cell phone to reduce the amount of electronic waste, there are some tips such as using a protective case or avoiding leaving it in damp places.

How does the recycling of the broken phone take place?

Before your phone is recycled, it will first be decided whether it can be resold as is, refurbished or cut into parts. The number will also be checked to ensure it has not been lost or stolen.

In case the phone needs to be refurbished, the parts are checked and repaired or replaced. Then the refurbished phone is resold perhaps in an emerging market where fewer people can afford to buy a new phone.

If the phone cannot be repaired, its parts will be pulled out for reuse. Some of the metals such as platinum, gold, silver, nickel and copper can be reused for other items such as jewelry, while the plastics used for the phone case can be melted down to form plastic sheets.

Why recycle your phone?

THE benefits of recycling broken phones and disposing of phones properly laptops:

  • preservation of natural resources and precious metals;
  • energy saving ;
  • reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the processing of minerals for new units;
  • disposal of reusable materials from landfill sites;
  • disposal of toxic materials from landfills.

Recycle your broken phone is therefore vital for the Environmental Protection and the preservation of natural resources. Through collection points such as recycling centers, operators, distributors and collection programs for electronic waste, every citizen can take action to contribute to a circular economy.

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