Watch yourself, Aries: this is your summer horoscope
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Will it be a sweltering summer, will the family holiday run smoothly and will the money flow in? Aries, you read it in the great Kek Mama summer horoscope.
You are in a generous mood in bed, Aries
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
You regularly drag yourself on your eyebrows, but this will change in July. You feel fitter and feel like doing fun things. In addition, you are full of inspiration, so paying more attention to your own creativity is not a bad idea.
Maybe you can immediately get new ideas with regard to your relationship and your finances. Both could use a big boost, because dips are lurking in both July and August at the beginning of the month. Easy to solve by (better) planning your payments and not saying everything you think in relation to relationships. There is a difference between quietly stating what you find annoying and tipping a kilo of salt over every snail.
“Your relationship and your finances could use a big boost”
In terms of sex, you get your money’s worth and so does your partner, you are in a generous mood. Your sweetheart is curious what you really think of his or her bed performance, so be as generous with your compliments as with your actions.
Friends regularly appeal to you, but actually this is a period to think about yourself; don’t do anything reluctantly. If you are looking for a job, August is your lucky month. If you already have a job, new opportunities will come your way in September.
Also important:
- Think carefully before you act.
- Leave old cows in the ditch.
- Excess harms.
Wondering what the stars have in store for your friends? You can find all horoscopes here.
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