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True or false ? Does Uber’s price go up when your battery goes down?

Does the battery affect the price?

This is the website The candy who shared the information, at the end of March 2023, through the update of an article published in 2021. According to them, after a test carried out with two laptops, in the same place, with opposite battery levels (the one fully loaded, the other unloaded), ordering the same ride on Uber showed dramatically different prices.

Uber price
The Le Bonbon site suddenly deleted its article yesterday…

We know it, since 2016, the Uber app has access to your battery level. Information that led one of the group’s behavioral economics experts, Keith Chen, to say that the customer was ready to pay more if his smartphone was about to die out.

Other tests disprove the theory

Within the same article, since deleted, another test under the same conditions shows similar prices, regardless of battery level. On the side of BFM, who had the same experience, the same, no price change depending on the battery level. So, is there another factor influencing the price?

Uber recalls its supply and demand policy

On the side of Uber, we would like to recall the basic principle of the application. The interface offers a connection with drivers for a defined journey; the fewer different drivers, the higher the price is likely to be. An elementary market principle, theOffer and demandimplemented for your VTC race.

Finally, is this story true or false? Well, neither.

If on the one hand, certain elements tend towards no, we must not rule out the part of vagueness in the algorithm which prevents this possibility from being completely ruled out. Thus, it should be remembered that Forbes mentioned serious and well-argued way the hypothesis in 2016. In addition, Uber has not shared the factors impacting its prices for several years. A blur that logically creates mistrust and misunderstanding.

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