this is how an Apple chatbot beats the competition
Google and Microsoft compete to bring the best chatbot on the market, but Apple remains silent. In this way, an Apple chatbot can be even better than the competition.
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How does an Apple chatbot get better than ChatGPT?
ChatGPT works so well that all tech companies want a piece of this AI pie. Google soon announced that it would make its own chatbot called Google Bard, which is now available in the United States. The technology is now also appearing in apps such as Snapchat and Duolingo. In addition, Twitter and Facebook are also busy with it. But where is Apple?
We cannot say for sure whether Apple is currently working on its own version of a chatbot. It is unlikely that the company is not engaged in this technology at all. Knowing Apple, the company, unlike Google, keeps its chatbot behind closed doors until it is completely finished.
ChatGPT is already very advanced and gets regular updates. Still, there are several ways that an Apple chatbot can ultimately outperform the competition. We have listed a number of advantages of the Apple bot for you.
1. Privacy first
ChatGPT has become popular so quickly that many users don’t think about their privacy. What you type or paste into that chat conversation with the bot seems private, but that is not the case in practice. After all, everything you tell ChatGPT is stored and used to further train the chatbot. Sensitive documents that you enter for a summary, for example, are also remembered by the chatbot.
That is problematic, because these chatbots are extremely unpredictable. OpenAI and Microsoft (which processes GPT in various services) are loosening the reins enormously, resulting in special conversations. You can therefore never be 100% sure that your data will not unintentionally resurface elsewhere. At Apple, privacy always comes first and that will be no different with a possible chatbot.
2. Better answers
ChatGPT and Bing are impressive, but still (too) often give wrong information. That has to do with how such a chatbot works. A chatbot based on a language model can very well determine which words should be sent, but does not yet understand what it actually says. Apple could introduce a version of this technology that sends correct answers more often than the competition.
3. Deeply integrated into iPhones and Macs
It’s nice to give commands in a chat screen, but the technology can be even more practical and powerful if it is incorporated into your trusted apps. Google and Microsoft are already working on this, but Apple could really do something special with it by integrating the chatbot deeply into your iPhone and Mac. This could then be a new and more extensive version of Siri.
For example, the technology could show up in Mail for composing and summarizing emails, in the Weather app to ask questions about the weather, in the Notes app to ask questions about any notes you’ve written, and so on. Through. The possibilities are endless!
4. Protect source material
Generative artificial intelligence gets a lot of criticism. After all, articles and works of art are often unceremoniously taken from people and then made into something new. This is usually done without naming the original creators. Apple could take this into account with a new chatbot. Apple can do this by, for example, only putting data in the chatbot that does not fall under copyright or by naming the sources that are used.

5. Finally your own search engine
Now is the ideal time for Apple to finally create its own search engine. As a result, users no longer have to be sent to Google, Microsoft or another party. It is difficult that Apple must be able to let its chatbot search for current information, which in turn can cause unexpected situations.
Why things can go wrong
Apple is already using artificial intelligence in more products than you might expect. For example, artificial intelligence is already being used to search the photos app, to make your photos more beautiful, to make a heart movie with your Apple Watch, to see if you crash into something with your car, to do karaoke via Apple Music and to recognize your face when you unlock your iPhone.
But doubts are also in place. Previously, Apple was clearly behind the rest in the field of voice assistants. While the Google Assistant in particular could do more and understand more and more, Siri lagged behind. Hopefully Apple has learned from Siri and the company will only come up with a chatbot when it is really ready.
All about ChatGPT
Before that, you can now get started with ChatGPT. We explain how to use ChatGPT and how the chatbot has been improved with GPT-4, which you can even use to create apps. You can now also take out a subscription to GPT Plus.