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Tips for saving on the purchase of a phone

The telephone has become indispensable in everyday life. Indeed, it makes it easier to communicate with loved ones. Moreover, it can be used for several purposes. Therefore, it seems logical that a person has a mobile phone. However, this device can be expensive. Also, if you want to save money, follow these tips.

Buy a cheaper phone with a mobile plan

The first tip for saving money is to choose the right mobile plan. Some operators offer cheaper mobile plans. Choose one that matches your needs and to your budget. You can even have a cheaper phone by purchasing a mobile plan from an operator. In addition, he can offer you a payment in installments.

Define your needs and your budget

Certainly, the latest features are attractive. However, smartphones that have it usually expensive. Therefore, just consider the features and functionality you actually need. This will save you from spending a lot of money.

Wait for the release of a new smartphone model

You can also have a high-end smartphone cheaper while waiting for release new models. Indeed, as soon as there is a new smartphone on the market, the stores instantly reduce prices ancient. This is the case with smartphones Samsung, Xiaomii or Huawei.

Buy a refurbished smartphone to pay less

A refurbished smartphone is a lot cheaper than a new smartphone. These devices are sold by a specialized company. However, make sure the phone is in good condition before buying it. In addition, choose stores that offer guarantee at least two months. It should be noted that by purchasing a reconditioned model, you will do both savings and an ecological gesture.

Sell ​​your old phone before buying another

If you can live without your phone for a while, consider sell it before buying another. Thus, you will have a larger budget.

Make a negotiation

If you need a new phone, try negotiate with the seller. Discussion can solve everything, but you have to come across the right person to get this gesture.

Consider battery life

Generally speaking, it is better to buy a smartphone whose battery performance suitable for your daily use. This will save you from replace too often and therefore will help you save money.

Is it better to buy a used phone?

Buying a used smartphone is also a good way to save.

What is a used phone?

A second hand phone is a device with already served to another person. Just like a car, a used phone is a lot cheaper. In addition, you can easily find a smartphone like new. Either way, your choice should be based on the following criteria:

  • the under warranty (three months minimum);
  • I‘condition ;
  • them expert testing.

The difference between used phone and refurbished phone

A second-hand phone differs from a refurbished phone by its undamaged condition. Indeed, refurbished smartphones are returned to factory and disassembled to accommodate new parts. Defective parts are then recycled.

What is long-term rental?

In case you cannot get a new phone, it is possible to resort to other means. You can go through long-term phone rental. However, this practice is not recommended due to risk of breakage which can cost you dearly.

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