
This self-driving cart is your new best friend

The handy Hyundai self-driving cart called MobED can help you in a lot of situations.

The pessimist sees Hyundai’s latest creation and thinks: this is a piece of plastic with four wheels. However, Hyundai itself thinks that this electric car could become your new best friend. As a jack-of-all-trades, the Hyundai MobED, as it is called, can take care of many tasks that you may find too heavy for yourself.

Hyundai MobED

Hyundai calls it a ‘droid’. It is a kind of helper that, according to Hyundai, is intended to support you in all kinds of ways, but especially with regard to transport. So you can use the small cart for some things that Hyundai has put in their press material. Think of transporting glasses, such as the header photo. In case of irregularities, the MobED automatically senses how these should be compensated. That way the thing always stays straight.

You may also trust the above applications according to that logic. Think of a stroller that just follows you closely. Or a screen, which is quite a handy idea in public areas for, for example, asking a digital assistant for help. The cart itself senses how it should drive in order to be the best to help.

It may look like some kind of children’s toy, but it definitely isn’t. The Hyundai MobED can be 67 cm long in its maximum dimensions and can drive up to 30 km/h. The battery has a capacity of 2 kWh, which means that driving around without charging can take ‘hours’. According to Hyundai.

Hyundai will officially present the MobED at CES 2022. The Consumer Electronic Show guarantees many of these fun applications. Whether the Hyundai MobED will be a success is unknown, but it sounds like a nice and handy device.

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