WhatsApp simply can no longer allow itself to do everything. The market power of the messenger is still there in terms of numbers, but a clear change is currently taking place. Another messenger is now in first place, and another messenger is on its heels. WhatsApp, on the other hand, is far behind.

WhatsApp loses against Signal and Telegram

in the Signal forum on reddit is celebrated. The Messenger beats WhatsApp in the charts in more and more countries – reported t-online. Signal not only overtakes WhatsApp, it is also often listed first, ahead of all other apps. Of course, this varies from country to country, but on Android it is Signal is currently in first place in Germany, Telegram follows in third place, while WhatsApp only comes in 14th. This clearly shows that the current behavior of WhatsApp is no longer simply accepted, but people are switching.

The Signal Messenger takes first place. WhatsApp is far behind (Image: GIGA).

It looks similar on iOS. The Luca app is still in first place there, but Signal follows in second place. WhatsApp, on the other hand, is only found in fifth place. The trend is also clearly visible here.

Not only is Signal very popular

The new terms of use of WhatsApp and the behavior of Facebook, how they want to enforce them with all their might, have made many people rethink. Not only Signal is currently enjoying great popularity. Telegram, Threema and other messengers are also getting massive numbers. Even people who haven’t looked at WhatsApp alternatives at all now want to switch because they are dissatisfied with the behavior. I also notice that in my own vicinity. We shall see how the situation develops. WhatsApp is currently not having an easy time of it, but it is also its own fault for the situation.