
This is what the energy source of the future looks like

What does the future of energy supply look like? The Tesla boss has a clear vision that primarily envisages two forms of energy. Elon Musk, on the other hand, thinks little of a hyped future technology.

Climate change, pollution and the dependence on fossil fuels, which often stem from dictatorships or autocracies: energy supply has never been more important than today. Elon Musk knows this too. Despite his reputation as a believer in progress, he does not believe that one future technology will solve our energy problems: nuclear fusion.

Instead of nuclear fusion: Tesla boss sees the future in solar and wind energy

Fusion power is too expensive, so the 51-year-old on Twitter. As the main reason, Musk cites the high procurement costs of the starting fuel and the maintenance costs of the reactor. It is better to use the natural fusion reactor: the sun. Because they neither need constant refilling with fuel nor maintenance.

The SpaceX founder advocates solar and wind energy for sustainable energy production. Together with storage technologies and high-voltage lines that transport the energy, this is what the future of energy could look like. But that wasn’t all, because hydroelectric power, geothermal energy and nuclear fission would also make a “non-negligible contribution,” says the eccentric billionaire.

Elon Musk’s visions of the future have so far been one thing above all: visions of the future. Because for the present, the Tesla boss still considers fossil fuels to be indispensable. Otherwise civilization would collapse.

Elon Musk is a busy man:

Elon Musk slams new Lord of the Rings series

In addition to his assessments of the future of energy, Elon Musk has recently attracted attention through his self-imposed role as a series critic. After his broadside against Netflix, it was recently the turn of Amazon’s new Lord of the Rings series. JRR Tolkien, the late inventor of the fantasy series, would roll in his grave on The Rings of Power, Musk concluded.

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