
This is the maximum amount of money you can earn in your job

What is the maximum salary I can earn in my job? Anyone who asks this question will get an answer from the salary potential calculator. The tool also shows you when you will reach your peak salary.

The longer we work in a profession, the more experience we gain. Our salary usually goes up at the same time. At some point, however, we have reached the maximum earnings. The only question is: When exactly did this time come? An answer to this question is provided by the Salary Potential Calculator the online job exchange Stepstone.

This tool shows you the maximum amount you can earn in your job

The tool allows employees to identify and compare their potential top salary. The calculator also shows the age at which they will probably reach their maximum salary.

To enable the salary potential calculator, Stepstone own information Analyzed by more than 250,000 salary data from the period from January 2019 to September 2020. The information relates to the average gross salary for the year excluding variable salary components. As a result, most people reach their highest salary in their working lives midway through their careers.

However, a combination of different factors affects the potential maximum earnings. These include, for example, the degree of education, professional experience, the industry and the location of the employer.

Gender plays the biggest role in salary caps

However, gender plays a particularly decisive influence on how much a person can earn in his job. While women in Germany reach their maximum salary on average at the age of 41, the salary of male colleagues continues to rise on average up to the age of 52.

“From the age of 40 at the latest, many people decide whether they want to take on personnel responsibility or not,” says Stepstone salary expert André Schaefer. “More and more men are taking on management positions. This increases your salary even further.”

With advancing age, the salary gap widens even more. As a result, the average earnings of men are consistently higher than those of women – even well into retirement age. On average, men earn more than 12,000 euros gross annual salary over their entire career. The analyzes also show that the salary expectations of women with the same qualifications are often significantly lower than those of men.

The tool shows you the maximum amount you can earn in your job

To see your personal maximum salary, you can enter your current salary in the tool. In addition, the calculator also asks about your current age and the industry in which you work. It then calculates the salary potential and shows you in a graph when you are likely to earn the highest salary in your career.

In addition, you can not only monitor the development of your earnings, but also compare them with the national average and the respective federal states. You can also compare other industries, professional fields and degrees.

This is how you can increase your salary

With the salary potential calculator, Stepstone wants everyone to know at all times what salary they can earn in the course of their working life. Employees can therefore use the tool to see, for example, which maximum salary is usual in their own professional field and use it as a guide.

In addition, they can now compare even better whether the salary at a certain point in time is in line with market standards or whether there is still room for improvement, says Schaefer. “We advise those who want to earn more to continue their education or take on personnel responsibility. Changing jobs also usually pays off financially.”

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