
This is how you use the GHG quota for charging current [Anzeige]

Did you know that the GHG quota not only applies to e-cars, but also to the charging current? Now you can earn even more money – with the GHG quota for your wall box or charging station!

Every kilowatt hour that you consume at your charging point counts towards the greenhouse gas reduction quota. This opens up a lucrative source of income for the owners of charging stations and wall boxes. Find out now how to apply for the quota, record the amount of electricity and what bonuses are waiting for you. Make eco-friendly charging a cost-efficient decision!

The GHG quota for charging current: what is it?

With the GHG quota for charging current you have an additional opportunity to benefit from your CO2 savings. Not only your e-car is entitled to a bonus, but also electricity from your charging station.

The GHG quota for charging current enables you to market your GHG quota based on the kilowatt hours charged at charging stations and wall boxes. In order for this to be possible, the charging points must be publicly accessible and the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) must be notified. This is determined by the Charging Station Ordinance (LSV).

The prerequisites for this are simply met. “Public” means that your charging point can theoretically be used by anyone, but the availability can be individually restricted and you do not have to provide your personal data publicly.

How can this all work?

Charging points in customer parking spaces are available to every customer and are therefore generally accessible to the public. On the other hand, charging points in an employee parking lot are only publicly accessible if the parking lot has no access restrictions. However, if a special pass is required to open the existing barrier, public access is no longer available.

The same applies to your wall box at home. If it is installed in the driveway and not in the garage, you can benefit. In addition, the Federal Network Agency has stipulated that corresponding charging points must be marked with a notice.

Applying for your charging station is that easy

In order to benefit from the GHG quota for charging current, you have to register your charging station with the Federal Network Agency.

As a digital platform MONEY FOR eCARS the service to take care of the registration with the Federal Network Agency for you. This saves you annoying paperwork and you can concentrate fully on loading. In just a few steps, everything relevant is requested and the application is completed in 5 minutes.

As soon as your charging station is registered on the platform, you can enter your electricity quantities at regular intervals and you will be rewarded with every kWh charged.

The process takes place in three simple steps:

  1. Sign up at GELD FÜR eAUTO and add your charging station to your personal profile. From this point on, you can enter the amounts of electricity you have charged.
  2. In order for your charging station to be eligible for a premium, it must be registered with the authorities. GELD FÜR eAUTO takes care of the registration with the BNetzA for you.
  3. Your charging station is registered with the BNetzA! ​​You get 10 cents per kWh for each registered charging point. For companies, that easily amounts to €4,000* – and that even annually!

Do you have e.g. B. an electric fleet, so high additional income can arise. The more you charge your vehicles, the higher your premium can be. You can of course re-enter your loading quantities every year.


The GHG quota for charging current offers you the opportunity to maximize your income as an eMobilist. With the support of GELD FÜR eAUTO, you can significantly simplify the registration process for your charging station and concentrate on the essentials – charging your electric car.

Regularly record the amount of electricity you charge and earn money with every kilowatt hour you charge. Sign up for MONEY FOR eAUTO today and get rewarded for charging!

Register now for a charging station

*This information applies to a charging station with two charging points and a charging current volume of 20MWh per charging point per year.

Also interesting: 5 steps to the bonus – How electric cars benefit from the GHG quota

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