This is how you give sex education to children
Sex, which is just like pooping and peeing, and therefore an excellent subject for discussion at home. However? Not quite. Many parents seem to find it a difficult subject, sex education in children. we get it. So here’s a few points.
Someday it will come, The Question. Where babies come from, and how it all works. Don’t worry: you don’t need to have a prepared speech ready. Sex education usually takes place in steps and repetitions. Most children only ask for answers where they stand. So if your sister gives birth, and your child asks if his aunt and uncle had sex, you can simply say yes. If he wants to know more, he will ask. If not, this was apparently enough information. The follow-up question will come in a while. The younger your child is when you talk about sex, the smaller the taboo.
Sex is fun
Research shows that many children would like to talk about sex more often and more extensively at home. Also, children between the ages of nine and twelve do not know as much about sex, despite the fact that primary schools have been obliged to provide sex education since 2012. Thirty percent of children between the ages of nine and twelve do not talk about it at all, 48 percent know exactly what making love is and sixty percent know where babies come from. Not to mention their own physical changes.
The striking thing is: many parents tend to warn mainly about the consequences of sex. Unwanted acts and pregnancies. STDs. While sex is of course actually something very nice, and children should know that.
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Name body parts
You usually do not explain to a two-year-old what penetration is. But naming the differences between boys and girls is certainly not too ambitious up to the age of three. Name body parts however you like, but don’t skip any.
From the age of four, there are often more questions. When you kiss your partner, for example, or your child wonders if you are also making love. An honest answer is always good; your child sets the boundaries. Yes, mom and dad like to kiss and cuddle. One child continues to ask, until the details of how such a seed arrives at an egg. Another doesn’t want to know about it. The most common guideline is that by the time a child is about ten, he must know how it works technically, father children, and be aware of sexual harassment, emotions and that ‘no’ is always an answer. .
The tricky part: by then things will become too ‘awkward’ for children. So when the topic suddenly comes out of the blue, you can almost say it’s too embarrassing for them to talk about. Let alone that they out of the blue discuss things like pubic hair, masturbation, wet dreams and periods with you. Although you can of course always use a TV program or article on the subject to discuss it.
One reassuring thought: other research shows that children who are well educated about sexuality and who know enough about contraception, usually do not have sex very early. In fact, a child who learns to talk about sexuality early can often do so much better later in a relationship. Moreover, according to studies, those children would even start having sex later, and have safer sex more often.
The subject of sex often presents itself spontaneously. Because your toddler is in the shower with a stiff penis, for example. Or when children have seen something on TV. If your child doesn’t bring it up himself, you can always bring it up yourself. Incidentally, it does not necessarily have to be about ‘the act’ in itself, love, infatuation, orientation and cuddling are also important topics for children. And do you find it difficult to talk about certain topics yourself? Then just name it. It is good that your child learns that he can come to you with questions, but also that you have limits.
This article was previously published.
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