This is how you abbreviate the word correctly
Especially in business life you often come across the term management. In this article we will show you what the abbreviation for the term is.
Management is mainly used in areas of the economy and more precisely in companies. The management is usually executives, the head of department as well as the board of directors of a company. Ideally, they deal with the (strategic) planning of projects, are also authorized to issue directives and can make the associated and necessary decisions. Simply put, whatever your boss tells you to do, you should do it with a few exceptions. Incidentally, you will not only find management in areas of pure business, the term is also used in the music industry, in the area of technology or at events – usually wherever something is organized and guided. Wherever you come across the word, it’s quite long. So read how you can abbreviate it.
Do you ever want to see a bad manager at work? Then watch the video for the series “Stromberg” at.
How can management be abbreviated?
However, if the repeated writing of management is too exhausting for you, you can use the two common and often use the common abbreviations “Mgmt.” and “Mgt.” or, more rarely, “Mngt.”. Depending on the context, the first two spellings mentioned can also be written entirely in uppercase (capital letters) and with or without a period at the end: “MGMT” and “MGT”. If you have decided on a version, however, make sure that you use the same spelling so as not to confuse those around you.
Two other obvious abbreviations that you should avoid due to lack of familiarity or possible confusion are “Man.” (which can stand for “maneuver” or “manuel”). In addition, when writing letters, you should generally refrain from using abbreviations and write out the word management. By the way, if you want to abbreviate the term manager, you can use these two abbreviations: “Mngr.” or “Mgr.”. And while we’re on the subject of management, business and companies: do you know what the abbreviations “und Co.” and “GbR” stand for?
You’ve certainly experienced one or the other office moment, haven’t you? Check out the photo gallery!
Where does the term management come from?
The word management comes from the English “management” and means translated “leadership” or “administration”. The spelling has not changed except for the capital letters at the beginning. The corresponding verb “(to) manage” means “to administer”, “to direct” or “to manage”. The word found its way from Latin (Latin “manus agere” means “to lead by the hand”) via Italian (Italian “maneggiare” means “to lead/manage” etc.) and finally into English.
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