This digital agency also extends protection against dismissal to partners
When baby happiness is in the house, a lot changes for expectant parents. In addition to the growing anticipation, the families are of course also faced with higher expenses – here 50 euros for an additional examination, there 30 euros for a drug and who knows many hundreds of euros for the initial equipment. It is not uncommon for people to move to a larger apartment.
Pregnant women in Germany therefore enjoy special protection against dismissal. In this way, the legislator wants to ensure that mothers do not have to have any economic existential fears during this time. However, this does not apply to the partner of a pregnant woman. Families can very quickly find themselves in trouble when they are laid off.
Partners of pregnant women receive protection against dismissal
The digital agency Comspace is now regulating this for its employees with a completely new approach: “In the interests of equality, we are voluntarily expanding our protection against dismissal to include life partners who work with us and are expecting a new family,” says Chief People Officer Eva Stock demand from t3n.
In the further conversation, she makes it clear what that means exactly: the voluntary protection against dismissal is based on the special protection against dismissal for pregnant women. It applies a maximum of 280 days before and up to four months after the birth of the child and for all permanent employees and trainees outside the probationary period whose wife is pregnant.
Colleagues who would like to adopt a child are also guaranteed this special protection against dismissal by Comspace. Here, too, the period corresponds to that of the special protection against dismissal for biological births, i.e. a maximum of 280 days before the adoption date and up to four months afterwards, Eva Stock confirms the new regulations.
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“We also know challenging times, but that has always strengthened us and brought us together,” explains Eva Stock. The improved protection against dismissal for partners of pregnant women is a clear signal of job security, which will not be dispensed with even if the company itself is in a difficult situation.
“Especially in times of crisis, it is extremely important not to sacrifice one’s own values, which we stand for. Family-friendliness and compatibility have the highest priority for us,” adds the Comspace manager. The certainty “takes the pressure off” for everyone involved and can help to “engage more freely in the life phase of becoming a parent”.
The family-friendliness of employers has become increasingly important for many working people in recent years when choosing a job. According to a Xing study, the desire for more stability has also increased due to the ongoing mood of crisis. 59 percent of respondents said that salary is important to them. 43 percent want job security.
For companies, such surveys of employees often result in clear recommendations for action – also and especially with regard to closing gaps in skilled workers. Employers no longer rely solely on politics, but also recruit new employees with benefits for team members.