
These are the 10 most clicked websites in the world

Many people spend a lot of time surfing the Internet every day. But on which pages are most of the users actually hanging out? In our weekly ranking we present you the ten most clicked websites in the world.

67 million People in Germany use the Internet. The average usage time is around 83 minutes per day. For website operators, many visits also mean a better market position and higher sales. But which pages are ahead in terms of clicks?

The most clicked websites in the world

As an online publisher for technology and business visual capitalist busy with the most clicked websites in the world. The evaluation is based on the monthly traffic in November 2022. In the following ranking we present the results.

10th place: WhatsApp.com

Tenth place on the most clicked websites goes to Whatsapp with 2.9 billion Accessed November 2022. The social media network has been around since 2009 and has been part of Meta since 2014.

10th place: WhatsApp.com. (unsplash.com / Mourizal Zativa)

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