
The 25-ton Tatra overtook the Xiaomi Redmi 8. Take a look at the result

We call it that great resistance test mobile phone! No ready laboratory and special conditions, but a normal life experience. Although, how to take it. Probably few of us have regular access to a 25-ton fire truck like Milan Korbel, who boasted a story on Facebook in which he plays a major role. coincidence, a moment of inattention and Xiaomi Redmi 8.

“Such a normal day for firefighters. There is a jingle and you have an exit – this time it was a truck fire. You end up in pants ready for the car and you won’t even notice your phone went down. It’s nice hidden behind the wheel and when you’re standing, it’s not visible. You get in the car and go to the fire. When you return to the station and want to retreat, you will notice something black and flat on the ground. Sakraaa. At that moment, it will happen to you – my phone, “the firefighter describes the incident, at the end of which most people would probably expect absolutely crushed cell phone. But it didn’t happen.

“You go to him cautiously, hoping the wheels have passed him, but the perfect print of the samples on the back of the phone indicates that he didn’t. God, I ran over him! Did he survive? 25 tons is 25 tons! You bend over and carefully, with a certain amount of tenderness, peel him off the cold ground of the garage, turn around, and he survived. Yes, Xiaomi Redmi 8 survived the crossing of two rounds of Tatra CAS-32 and suffered only minor scratches on the cover foil, the display did not crack and everything works! ”Korbel rejoiced in a small miracle, noting that the phone was not even in a hard case. Xiaomi received the nickname Tatranka from the device after the event.

What are your similar mobile experiences?

Source: Facebook

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