
Spooky: ‘My child talks to ghosts’

There you have grandpa again

Sandra (41), mother of Fleur (7) and Roos (3): “I myself had absolutely nothing to do with the spiritual. Until my daughter Fleur, who was four years old at the time, kept talking about grandpa Beer. She told me that he came to sit with her on the edge of the bed and sang songs with her. I got acute chills. My father (Berend) died when I was fifteen and he was a conductor in a choir. He also sang a lot with me. According to Fleur, he was happy and cheerful. Unfortunately he has been a few times and then never again. Every now and then I ask about Grandpa Beer, but Fleur can’t remember anything. Such a pity. Still, to me it feels like a sign from my father.”

It runs in the family

Jacqueline (37), mother of Livia (13) and Thomas (11): “Livia has sensed things from an early age. Once we were in a castle in Wales and she turned pale and limp. Once outside, she visibly improved. When she got older, she said that there were ‘ghosts’ around her bed at night and that she didn’t dare to sleep.

When she was also afraid to go to the bathroom, I went with her to a psychic friend. They had a good conversation together about what she saw. The medium indicated that my daughter ‘came back’ to Earth for a reason. Livia seems to have hundreds of lives on it. The ghosts she sees are therefore not there to frighten her, but to pass on messages as a medium. Since then, Livia sleeps better and is less afraid.

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“Every night there were ‘ghosts’ around her bed.”

At the year-end party of group 8, a fortune teller was hired for the children in her group. She also told Livia that she would later do the same as she did: help and advise people using what she sees. This woman didn’t know my daughter and school didn’t know about the clairvoyant story either. My son also feels energies in a space. He’s kind of an ‘animal whisperer’. That’s how he knew that our dog would die in the short term, which it did. In any case, animals are always drawn to him like a magnet.

I am very open to it myself, because I experience it too, just differently. I am supposedly clairaudient and claircognizant and receive information in my sleep. Although it was never called that way in my youth and no attention was paid to it. That is why I think it is extra important to properly guide and support my children in this. Two weeks ago I went to the movies with Livia The sixth sense looked. A feast of recognition, as a result of which she now also looks at the ‘posse’ in her room with different eyes.”

Chat before going to sleep

Evelyn (33), mother of Julia (4): “Juuls imaginary friend, that’s what we call the girl our daughter Julia talks to almost every night. At first we thought she was dreaming, but she often does it so soon after going to bed that she can’t be asleep yet. She has had such conversations with her friend from heaven for a year, as she herself says. Juul thinks it’s perfectly normal, so we don’t make anything of it. But we don’t understand.”

Read also
Jessy is a medium: ‘My children think it’s normal that I have contact with the deceased’ >

Will pass again

Emilia (42), mother of Bobby (12), Carlos (8) and Marcia (5): “Who’s that lady sitting next to Aunt Lea?” in the middle of an otherwise empty room. Laughing out loud in bed, because she is tickled by a kitten, while we have no cats. Feeling that her brother is going to get sick days in advance or just before I say something to say it. We are no longer surprised at home when our youngest sees invisible things or predicts events. Who did she get it from? No idea. We ourselves are not spiritual at all. But our Bobby also saw ghosts in the past, that went away on its own after a few years. So we think it’s a phase.”

Now it’s goodbye

Kim (34), mother of Max (11): “My son always saw a stream of people coming up the stairs. It was the reason why we always had to close the door of his room and at night show some ‘ghosts’ the door saying ‘Max is going to sleep now, you have to go’. Max is bigger now, but sometimes he still calls me. Then there is ‘something’ or ‘someone’ and he likes it when I ‘clean up’ his room with sage. I believe what he sees and feels, even though I don’t see anything myself.”

Greetings from grandma Jans

Rinske (38), mother of Liam (12): “As a toddler and preschooler, my son regularly talked to deceased people. I once heard him say: ‘Are you Grandma Jans? Are you dead? Yes, I’ll say, you’re fine.’ A little later he told me that Grandma Jans was doing well, and that I should tell my partner Do that. Grandma Jans had died about four months earlier. I didn’t even know he remembered that, he had just turned two. We didn’t do anything with it, but we took it seriously.

Later on, he sometimes said that he saw someone. For example, we were in a holiday home and he asked what ‘that lady’ was doing there. We only saw an empty hallway. “Oh,” he said, “she’s gone, but she waved.” She had disappeared through the wall, he said. Two years ago his own grandmother passed away (grandma Jans’ daughter). We secretly hoped that he would also get a sign from her, but unfortunately that never happened. Liam is now 12 and doesn’t remember ever seeing ghosts.”

Do you remember, mom?

Jannet (30), mother of Niels (4): “My toddler Niels is absolutely convinced: he used to be a daddy, and then I was his baby. My husband thinks it’s nonsense and says he has too much imagination, but I often go into it. Then I lie in bed next to him and let him tell stories about how we used to live, when there were no shops and we had to find our own food. I’ve read about new age children and find it especially striking that such a little twink talks about the past, when he was old…”

Who is this old soul?

Joyce (38), mother of Boaz and Lisanne (11) and Cato (7): “Two years ago, my neighbor Bette invited a medium to her home because she wanted to get in touch with her deceased sister. She had asked a few friends, because the psychic would hold a whole session for those who were interested. I, sober and very skeptical, wanted to experience it sometime.

“I, very sober and very skeptical, wanted to experience such a session.”

I had to admit that the man told accurate things that he would then get from Bette’s sister, but I thought all the dead with an A and an E in their name that floated by like angels. The medium was still busy arguing when our youngest daughter Cato stepped in. She was looking for Mom. Suddenly he stopped, was shocked and asked aloud who that girl belonged to. I was just as shocked. “Mine,” I answered hesitantly. To which he said: ‘This child sees so much. This really is an old soul.’ So far I have not noticed any special powers at Cato. But I find it very spooky.”

And now all save

Lisette (47), mother of Abigail (14): “My daughter has always been a bad sleeper. She slept late and sometimes she was wide awake in the middle of the night. I tried everything: night light, warm milk, melatonin, lavender on pillows and first in the bath… nothing worked. Three years after my father passed away, Abigail told me that she had visitors at night. She was then about nine years old. She said there were ‘people’ in her room, not that it was my father, because she was afraid that would make me sad.

It was only during a parent-child drawing workshop, where my drawing coach noted that my daughter was very spiritual, that Abigail felt free enough to share her experiences while coloring. She saw images of my father, my grandmother, and someone she didn’t know. She was sleeping in a loft bed at the time, but it felt uncomfortable, as if she was being hugged in a firm way. We then bought a normal bed, cleaned her room with sage, looked for stones to calm her down. But above all, we have impressed on her that she may tell the spirits that it is her room, that they do not have to watch her all the time and that they may leave. Now she is sleeping peacefully again, so I think it helped.”


unwanted guest

Anouk (29), mother of Axel (3): “Axel was just two years old and was able to say a few words as he stood up in his crib and pointed his finger at the stairwell: ‘That mama, that one.’ He looked very scared. However, I saw nothing. He started to scream louder and louder: ‘That, that, no!’ The following evenings the ritual was repeated. My husband and I didn’t see anything, but our two cats apparently did. They stared at the same dark corner.

Suddenly I remembered that the people from whom we had recently bought this house had lost their daughter shortly before. I don’t know what. I do believe in the supernatural, so I asked Axel, “Do you see a lady?” He nodded yes. I again: ‘Should Mommy tell that lady to go?’ He very loudly: ‘Yes woman gone!’ With him on my arm I went to the stairwell and asked aloud if she wanted to leave our house because she scared my child. Strange, but true, since then Axel has never called again.”

The brother who shouldn’t be there

Sandra (34), mother of daughter Jara (3): “I have long brushed aside the story of the man in my daughter Jara’s room as an imagination. Admittedly a vivid fantasy, because in the beginning she always cried hard and became upset. I comforted her, but didn’t take the spiritual part very seriously. Until she said something about her brother. I had a miscarriage when she didn’t even know I was pregnant. Two days later she said: ‘Look mom, there’s my brother by the closet, you know him too, don’t you?’

“Look mom, there’s my brother by the closet, you know him too, don’t you?”

Since then I believe her completely and I try to support her even more. I sometimes find that difficult, since it’s still a far-from-my-bed show. I mainly mention that I don’t see him, but that she can and can talk to him if she wants to. That’s how I taught her to send him away if she doesn’t like him being there. By the way, she is now very laconic about it herself, so that’s nice.”

witty game

Lisanne (29), mother of Wout (7) and Stan (6): “My father-in-law died when Wout was one and Stan was not yet born. But a while ago I was woken up in the middle of the night by noise. Stan sat up in his bed. He had taken the chessboard out of the closet and said he was playing chess with Grandpa in heaven. I quickly woke my husband; this he had to see. Stan named the pieces and even knew how to make some moves. We were amazed; we had never played chess with him. What made it extra special was that chess was my father-in-law’s favorite hobby.”

Ball every night

Milou (36), mother of Joy (5): “Since we moved six months ago, Joy plays with her imaginary friend Kitty every night. She talks, laughs and rolls a ball around the room. I don’t see anyone, but sometimes that ball comes rolling back on its own. I personally find it very strange, Joy does not. For her, balling with Kitty is part of the evening ritual. I just hold on to her enthusiasm. If it really gave her nightmares, I’d intervene. Now I’m talking a little bit and hope it passes.”

Looks familiar

Megan (32), mother of James (5) and Sarah (4 months): “’Mom, we’ve been here before, haven’t we?’ Every time we were in France last Normandy holiday, James recognized castles, abbeys, chalk cliffs and even the military graves. But it was the first time for all of us to be there. Still, at times he could provide detailed information about a particular building, and at times he seemed to have an intense déjà vu. Then he became completely cold or even had to cry. Could he really have lived once?”

This article can be found in Kek Mama 01-2022.

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