‘So much time together on holiday invariably leads to fantastic sex’
Image: Unsplash
Imke and her husband took her parents on vacation, as a kind of sacrifice, but it turned out to be a win-win. So now it’s fixed.
Imke (39): “Initially we took my parents on holiday because I thought they could use a little fun. It was kind of a sacrifice, but it turned out to be a win-win. They charge enormously from a summer with our sons aged three and five, and so do my husband and me. So now it’s fixed.
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All space
While grandpa and grandma swim with the grandkids and build sandcastles, husband and I visit a town. Or go out for dinner.
“By the time we roll out of the trattoria, the rest of the family is snoring on one ear”
We always book a big holiday home, because so much time together always leads to fantastic sex. Which we have plenty of room for, because by the time we roll out of the trattoria, the rest of the family is snoring on one ear.”
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