
payment request from the bank just as popular as Tikkie

37 percent of readers use a payment request through their own bank to ask friends to pay back money. That is just one percent more than Tikkie, ABN Amro’s app for repaying money. @tukker for example: “Just a payment request in the group.”

Who pays what

Wilkoschiks points to another useful app for tapping: “Actually always “Tikkie”. But if we are away for longer (weekends/weeks) with friends, the “who pays what” app comes in handy.” 4 percent indicate that they use a different app, and in many cases that is Who Pays What.

There are also people who don’t let anyone tap, but assume next time that the other person will pick up the bill. Stvaarwerk does this at dinner parties with smaller groups: “Always with Tikkie with superiors… usually with two of you, it’s your turn next time.”

AW Poll

Some readers always want cash: 7 percent opt ​​for this, while 4 percent prefer to arrange for the bill to be split immediately upon payment. These are probably the people who say they never borrow money. Cyclon also has a recommendation for Belgian readers: “In Belgium via payconicq. Very handy.”

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Finally, there is also a reader who puts on the table an issue that we can probably all agree with. gabriel_knight: “I regularly get ticks. The problem is that I am not with ABN. My bank statements do not contain the payment reference, but a vague code. ABN customers do see the payment reference, but other banks do not. In short, what you have now paid for is difficult to check afterwards if you are not with ABN as the paying party.” It would indeed be nice if there was a solution for this. Then you can see a little better where all that damage to your wallet is being done.

It’s lovely terrace weather today, so no matter how and whether you tap, enjoy!

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