Optymo Carsharing | Android-Logiciels.fr
Optymo Autopartage is a self-service car service accessible 24/7. To date, 60 stations and 75 vehicles are available in Belfort and its surroundings. You will have the choice between Peugeot 208 for shopping, Peugeot 308 SW for your family weekend or Peugeot Bipper to go to the recycling center.
Characteristics :
– Simple, practical and economical.
– The price includes fuel, insurance and cleaning.
– You pay € 1 per hour + € 0.20 per kilometer.
– Open the app and enter your time slot.
– Select a nearby vehicle or a model according to your momentary need.
– Validate your choice and make the inventory to leave with peace of mind.
– Unlock your vehicle and go… have a good trip!