
Everything you want to know about hair loss during pregnancy | Kek Mama


Many women get a fuller head of hair or lose tufts during their pregnancy. Not surprising, because the hormones influence everything in your body – including your hair growth. Briefly explained: in the natural cycle there is a growth, transition and rest phase after which the hair falls out. When you are pregnant, these phases change, so you can either get a fuller cut or a thinner bunch.

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What Can I Do About Hair Loss During Pregnancy?

Because many products are not suitable for use during pregnancy, it is difficult to tackle hair loss immediately. But can you not do anything about those tufts of hair in the shower drain and on your pillow? Yes it is. We list it:

1. Avoid stress

Easy to talk, of course (those sleepless nights and the increasingly heavy stomach don’t help either), but often stress, tension and fatigue cause hair loss.

2. Eat a healthy and varied diet

By taking enough rest and eating a healthy and varied diet, hair loss is limited. For example, eat plenty of fruit (especially berries, oranges, melon and apples) and green leafy vegetables (spinach, lettuce and endive). Dairy, chicken, nuts and fish also have a positive effect on your hair growth.

Another tip: use a soft brush and conditioner so you don’t have to brush through your hair with force.

Hair loss after pregnancy

Many women also suffer from hair loss after pregnancy. Fortunately, you can prevent this process and speed up the natural recovery by using the right products in time. The Neofollics product line ensures a quick recovery of the hormone balance and gives your body all the necessary building blocks that your hair needs after pregnancy. This way you prevent even more hair loss after pregnancy.

When to go to the doctor?

Do you get bald spots on your scalp? Then it is wise to contact your doctor for a blood test. That way he or she can see whether the hair loss is actually due to your hormones, or whether something else is going on.


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