
More ways to make money from videos

Stories should also be monetizable. (Photo: PixieMe / Shutterstock)

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Facebook now also allows ads in short videos and advertising in sticker format. This is how you can make more money with videos.

Facebook introduces new opportunities for video marketing. Above all, more advertising is possible in videos, shares Facebook. For example, Facebook is testing ads in the form of stickers.

Advertising also in short videos

Even very short videos can now contain advertising. From a length of one minute, a commercial may appear for a maximum of 30 seconds. Previously, this was only possible for videos longer than three minutes and a maximum of 45 seconds of advertising.

The income is shared between Facebook and the video creators. Anyone wishing to take part in the program must have at least five live videos and 600,000 minutes of watch time within the last 60 days.

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In order to display advertisements on live videos, influencers on Facebook previously needed an invitation. This option is now available to anyone whose live video has been viewed for at least 60,000 minutes in the last 60 days.

Interactive advertising formats

Not only the length of the advertisement, but also the form becomes more variable. Within the next few weeks, Facebook will test ads in the form of stickers. Stories should also be monetized in this way.

“With a view to the future, we are researching in-stream advertising formats that increase engagement through rewards or product interaction,” the press release said. This should lead to more payouts for content creators, a better experience for viewers, and new opportunities for advertisers.

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