
Miramax film studio sues Quentin Tarantino over “Pulp Fiction” NFT

The film industry also wants to benefit from the billion-dollar business around NFT. Digital collectibles from various cult films such as the “James Bond” series are already on the market. Now Quentin Tarantino also wants to get into the business and sell NFT of “Pulp Fiction” – the 1994 film that made him a star director.

Seven exclusive scenes including bonus material such as the original script and an audio commentary by Quentin Tarantino are to go on the market. Such NFTs should be worth a lot. However, Tarantino is now putting a line through the extremely lucrative bill at Miramax – the film studio that brought out “Pulp Fiction” under its founder Harvey Weinstein. Because the studio is now suing the director.

Miramax had its own NFT plans

In addition to the allegation of copyright and trademark infringement, the Indictment there is also talk of unfair competition. Because Miramax had its own plans to sell its most famous films to NFT.

The studio is now complaining that Quentin Tarantino did not consult it before announcing his NFT plans at a New York crypto art fair over the weekend. Miramax would still hold all rights to “Pulp Fiction”.

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“This group ruthlessly, greedily and deliberately ignored the agreement Quentin signed,” Miramax ‘attorney Bart Williams said in a statement Tuesday in a statement from the “The Wrap” quoted. “Going it alone takes away the value of the NFT rights in ‘Pulp Fiction’, while Miramax seeks to maximize it with a strategic and comprehensive approach.”

“Miramax is wrong”: Quentin Tarantino wants to keep selling his NFT

There is still no legal reaction to Quentin Tarantino’s complaint. However, through his lawyer Bryan Freedman, he let it be known that he apparently does not want to be dissuaded from his plan. “Miramax is wrong – it’s simple,” Freedman told The Wrap. “Quentin Tarantino’s contract is clear: he has the right to sell NFT, and this pathetic attempt to prevent him from doing so will fail.”

The website on which Quentin Tarantino posted information about his “Pulp Fiction” NFT is still online. Potential buyers can then register their serious interest in the NFT.

Particularly exclusive: Quentin Tarantino sells Secret-NFT for “Pulp Fiction”

Quentin Tarantino wants to sell seven so-called Secret NFTs based on the Secret Network Blockchain for “Pulp Fiction”. In this blockchain, information about transactions or ownership – e.g. from NFT – is encrypted and not publicly visible. This means that with this type of non-fungible token, neither the buyers nor the content of the NFT itself are publicly accessible.

Whether the NFT owners share the secret scenes and bonus material with others or keep them to themselves is up to them. That should also affect the value of this particular NFT. So Miramax is likely to be wrong in claiming that Quentin Tarantino would lower their value.

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