
Instagram Stories refresh icons

A new update has been activated on the server side for Instagram Stories. The icons and things for this have been updated.

Instagram Stories with updates

Changes are afoot for Instagram Stories. It’s about the design of the icons for sharing a story and the order for them. Instead of transparent icons, these icons are provided with a black background.

In the screenshot below you can see the current version on the left, the new design on the right. Certain options have been moved. You have direct access to adding a partnership or link (the latter only if you meet the requirements), adding music, text or a sticker. Below the three dots you will find the extra options such as effects, drawing and saving your creation.

Instagram is rolling out the new feature for some of its users. It may well be that this is a test and that a broad roll-out is not yet forthcoming. You don’t need to download an update from the Play Store for this; the changes are activated on the server side.

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