
Instagram is starting to restrict and block accounts for aggressive news authors

Social networks are not always just about carefree browsing of fun content. Unfortunately, they sometimes become an unpleasant place if, for example, an indomitable opponent finds you. At the same time, it can bother you in both comments and private messages. Instagram now intends to focus on the second mentioned area. Authors of verbal attacks that mention, for example, race or religion will now be punished by the social network. Instagram introduces the ability to report hate messages.

It is not yet entirely clear in which countries and languages ​​the novelty works, but the rules are quite clear. The social network does not intend to invade the privacy of messages, so any reporting is in the hands of the affected recipient. If it is subsequently proven that the rules have been violated, the social network intends to punish the cyber attacker. For the first time, a temporary ban on messaging. Then by permanently blocking the account. In addition to reporting hate messages again, Instagram wants to improve the filter, which would recognize new accounts that were created directly for the purpose of the attack. At least in the United Kingdom, the social network already cooperates with the authorities to which it wants to pass on the most serious cases.

What is your experience with aggression in the news?

Source: Instagram

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