If +441615239086 calls: Beware, electricity fraudsters
The callers behind the English phone number +441615239086 or 00441615239086 have probably not heard of Brexit. They try to rip off their victims with a scam that is spreading more and more. GIGA explains what they want and how you can defend yourself against it.
Phishing is one of the most dangerous ways to steal login credentials. If done well, many victims fall for it. In the present case you have to be very naive to fall into the trap. The crooks behind the number +441615239086 want your electricity data, but with a little attention you trick them.
What does the number +441615239086 want from you?
The callers tell different stories that are always about one thing: They want him Name of your current electricity provider, your Customer number as well as yours Meter number. With this data they can give you one Subduing a change of electricity provider.
- The number 00441615239086 is supposedly in Manchester, England, which should make everyone suspicious.
- When asked, the callers state that they are calling from Germany.
- Often they claim to be the account manager for your electricity provider (but don’t know who you are getting electricity from).
- Sometimes they just want to offer you a supposedly cheaper contract, without knowing what you are currently paying and from whom you are getting electricity.
- The calls are made at any time of the day and are repeated frequently.
- If one doubts what has been said or refuses to give the data, the callers become very rude and insulting.
In general, it should not be that easy for most of them to change electricity providers, as the contracts nowadays often have fixed terms. In addition, you must of course be informed in writing about alleged contracts, whereby you then have a right of withdrawal. But all of this is annoying.
The callers usually have no real data from you. So you can either have fun with it or just block the number +441615239086.
Wasting callers’ time! Leave it on the line while you supposedly go down to the basement to write off the meter number. Then give them some made up combination of numbers and numbers. You do the same with the customer number, which you first have to find out. Finally you name any electricity provider, such as “GIGA-Strom”. They should then try to sign a new contract.
But since the calls are annoying because of their repetition, you should simply block the number.
Block the phone number +441615239086 – that’s how it works
These methods ensure that you have peace of mind before the calls. As a rule, the poor call center staff keep trying until they succeed. These callers are under great pressure and therefore resort to such means.