‘I pulled the rack with child and all out of the wall’
Image: Getty Images
It doesn’t look great on your mother’s resume, but even the most compassionate mother loses her temper sometimes.
Marjolein (32), mother of Pepijn (4) and Lotje (2):
“It was one of those days when my kids seemed to just want to get in my way. Drama in the street because they didn’t want to walk on the sidewalk, food everywhere but in their mouths, constantly getting into each other’s hair, pulling all the toys out of the closet and then just walking away – at the end of the day I was so grumpy that I couldn’t wait for bedtime.
Nice cross
In line with the day they continued in the bath for a while and Pepijn aimed the shower head at me. Me a wet suit, the bathroom a battlefield. Lotje took it a step further by tipping a whole boat full of water on the bathroom floor.
I exploded. Like a fishwife I yelled that they NEVER listen, that they are ALWAYS messing around, that I try so MY BEST, that she apparently DON’T care. Two frightened faces stared at me.
“The next day the neighbor asked: ‘Is everything okay?’”
When I calmed down, I was embarrassed and hugged my children flat. The next day the neighbor asked: ‘Is everything all right, Marjolein?’ Turns out he heard everything through the open bathroom window.”
Read also – Drinking in the bathroom: 5 moms confess on how they create time for themselves >
Patty (36), mother of Fleur (3) and Iris (1):
“Fleur is a sweet girl, but this summer she made everything a struggle. If I smeared a peanut butter sandwich, it suddenly had to be chocolate sprinkles. Screaming for nothing.
One morning when I wanted to brush her curls, she kept pushing me away. And when I caught her, she’d pull her head away. It drove me crazy. I lost my temper and threw her Frozen hairbrush across the room: “Then do it yourself!” The cheerful brush with Anna and Elsa broke into two pieces.
When my husband – a quiet good guy who never gets out of his way – later asked where the hairbrush had gone, I made up the spot that it was probably still on the campsite.”
Under the cold shower
Karen (40), mother of Fedde (6):
“I am ashamed when I think back on it. Fedde was really annoying that day, really sick and challenging. We were in the bathroom and he just kept yelling and whining. I decided to put him under the cold shower to cool off. That was the best I could come up with.
He clung to the towel rack and because we are both rather stubborn, I yanked the rack, child and all, out of the wall. That brought us both to our senses. Later we laughed out loud about it. It does create a bond.”
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