
“I panicked that we had to go out the door like this”

A brother-in-law who suddenly arrives on Boxing Day or an obligatory culinary contribution to the New Year’s buffet: not everyone jumps for joy when they hear this.

Jill (39), married and mother of daughters Mila (12) and Tess (10):

“We celebrated Boxing Day in the cinema. Not planned, but to save my hachie after an excuse against my brother-in-law.

“This Christmas day was for our family: playing games, hanging out on the couch and eating chips”

The day before, my parents and my husband’s had come over and I had cooked extensively. I was overjoyed that we had the hustle and bustle behind us. Sounds unkind, but I was exhausted after a week of shopping, cooking and serving. This Christmas day was for our family: playing a few games, hanging out on the couch and eating fries and frikandellen.

On the receipt

Alone, at two o’clock my brother-in-law Joost and his two sons showed up on the doorstep. He came ‘cozy on the spec’, as he put it. It was his first Christmas as a divorced father and he hoped to join us. He knew we stayed home today.

“In my panic I shouted that we had to go out the door”

I broke into a sweat and in my panic I shouted that we had to leave the house soon, because I had reserved tickets for a princess movie at the cinema. My daughters were overjoyed at this surprise and immediately changed into their princess dresses.

Long story short: my brother-in-law left disappointed (profit), but we had to drive twenty minutes to a cinema that still had room and where the film was playing. My husband passed the time in the lobby with his iPad, the girls were overjoyed and I slept through half the movie.”

Read also – ‘How do I prevent a mommy burnout?’ >

Ordered yourself

Paula (40), mother of Floris (9), stepmother of Kelly (12):

“New to my husband Paul’s family, I fell in love with my nose in December a few years ago. I was cordially invited to his sister’s on New Year’s Eve, but I had to bring something delicious. Something culinary, that is. Apparently everyone always made a part for a buffet.

“I scooped everything neatly into golden bowls and bluffed into the family”

Now I’m more of the ready-made pancakes, but I didn’t dare to come up with that. At the local caterer I ordered stuffed tomatoes with seafood and homemade roulade with cranberry pâté. I scooped everything neatly into golden bowls and bluffed my way into the family.

Unfortunately I forgot to remove one thing: the plastic inserts that the butcher had neatly placed between the slices of roulade.”

This article was previously published in Kek Mama.

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