
Have fans spotted the release date?

It took a while for Rockstar to even officially confirm that they were working on GTA 6. There is still no release date, but fans discovered at least one release year on the website of the film database IMDb.

GTA 6: Was the release year leaked from IMDb?

Rockstar Games has not yet been able or willing to answer the question of when GTA 6 will be released – not even approximately. However, the film database IMDb is now the year 2025 noted, which sounds quite realistic. Unfortunately, the site does not reveal which facts the company relies on, so it is difficult to say whether this is real insider knowledge (source: IMDB).

It is not surprising that Rockstar Games is still holding back with precise information about GTA 6. In recent years, the studio has descended into chaos. For example, the story of the game is said to have been completely changed after Rockstar co-founder Dan Houser left the company due to disagreements. In a post by NeoGAF, the predecessor GTA 5 is even “called the messiest project Rockstar has ever pulled off (Source: NeoGAF).

Insiders with knowledge of the upcoming game have kept popping up over the past few months, causing numerous negative but also positive rumors developed. If you want to know more about this, we recommend our practical overview.

Fans have precise ideas of how GTA 6 should be:

GTA 6: Insider predicts Reveal in October

It’s not the first time an insider has claimed to know when GTA 6 will actually appear. Insider Tez2 has also joined in and published the claim that Rockstar would reveal the release of the upcoming GTA game through an in-game event (Source: Reddit).

If it’s true, that’s about it Halloween event in GTA Online. Sixteen days before Halloween, UFOs are scheduled to be placed in the game, which are then scheduled to be replaced by a camouflage UFO on October 23rd. Fans think that’s an indication of the timing. This theory is even getting support on Reddit because the theory is based on a screenshot of a house with a UFO:

Since the house does not exist in GTA 5, many believe that this is the first screenshot from GTA 6. Insider Tez2 puts 1 and 1 together here – yes like many rumors before, the whole thing sounds very unlikely. We will keep you up to date.

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