
Google Assistant adds Flemish voice and lets you talk to Philippe Geubels

Flemish users of the Google Assistant can now get started with the Flemish language. Good news for the Belgian Android owners, but also for the Dutch; because Philippe Geubels also works in the Netherlands!

Flemish language in Google Assistant

Google Assistant has been available in Belgium for a long time, but then the Belgians have to do it with a Dutch voice. As of today, that is no longer the case. From now on, Belgians will hear a Flemish male or female voice, so they no longer have to make do with the Dutch accent.

There is an additional feature available for the Google Assistant. Users can chat with Philippe Geubels, a well-known comedian from Belgium. This can be done by using the command ‘Hey Google, talk to Philippe Geubels’. According to Google, he will answer with his well-known humor and typical voice. This function not only works in Belgium, but also in the Netherlands! The command for that is the same.

Philippe Geubels Google Assistant

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