YouTube wants to block ad blockers – here’s what’s going on
YouTube plans to block ad blockers, so that you will soon have to watch commercials on the streaming service. Can you do something about that?
Read on after the ad.
YouTube is working on blocking ad blockers
Do you use an ad blocker? Then there may be bad news, because it seems that YouTube wants to permanently ban adblockers from the platform. The video service is now experimenting with blocking apps that ensure that advertisements remain hidden.
Read also: Watch YouTube without ads on your iPhone (and for free!)
If you use an ad blocker you will soon receive a warning from YouTube. It states that ad blockers are no longer allowed on the platform. You will then be given the choice of two options: disable the ad blocker or purchase a subscription to YouTube Premium. If you don’t, you won’t be able to watch videos on YouTube.
Subscribe to YouTube Premium
By blocking ad blockers, YouTube tries to secure revenue from ads next to and in videos. With the profit generated by these advertisements, YouTube pays, among other things, for the storage space that such a video needs to be preserved. Don’t want to see ads? Then, according to the company, you can switch to YouTube Premium.
Unfortunately, such a subscription is not cheap, because you pay 11.99 per month for YouTube Premium as an individual user. When you take out the YouTube Premium subscription via your iPhone, you pay even more.
In addition to an ad-free YouTube, you get a number of benefits with YouTube Premium. You are then allowed to download videos so that you can watch YouTube videos offline. It is also possible to continue watching YouTube while opening another app on your iPhone.
Do you just want to remove the ads from YouTube? Then it is also possible to go for the cheaper Premium Lite. You then pay 6.99 euros per month.

This way you get a big discount on YouTube Premium
To prevent you from paying the top price for a subscription to YouTube, we have already explained a smart trick to take out YouTube Premium cheaply. Through this hack you do not pay 11.99 euros per month, but only about 1.44 euros per month. Read here how to get this big discount on YouTube Premium.
Also read: YouTube on iOS gets a major update! This is all new
At the moment it is still an experiment, but it is quite possible that YouTube will soon permanently ban ad blockers from the platform. It is not yet clear when exactly YouTube plans to introduce this new measure.
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