
“My baby barely sleeps during the day, what should I do?”

According to her, light (hare) naps are often caused by the following points:

  • You may be letting your baby go back to sleep too soon. Good to know: a baby of five months can stay awake on average for about two hours in a row. Myths Advice: “Don’t allow more than three naps. Because, hare naps perpetuate hare naps.”
  • Is your baby unable to fall asleep on its own within a few months? Then according to Myrthe, that is also a point to work on if you want the sleeps to be better (and longer). “You can do this in different ways. The pick up, put downmethod is a well-known method. In this video you can see how it works. “
  • A bright environment can also be the reason that your baby sleeps less deeply, according to Myrthe. “Therefore always let him sleep in a dark room. Dark stimulates the production of melatonin, which is the natural hormone that makes you sleepy.”
  • Last but not least: allow your baby to go back to sleep after waking up. “By not taking your baby out of bed immediately, but just waiting, you also give him the chance to sleep for another cycle.” Myth’s Tip: “White noise can greatly help your baby to link from one sleep cycle to another sleep cycle. It is a monotonous sound that calms many babies, as it resembles the sound they make in the womb heard. “

Myrthe Stapper is a certified child sleep coach and founder of

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