On the phone number 040853753599 you will receive calls from a call center that are not welcome by everyone. Some find the information questionable and others are annoyed by the callers’ persistence. But it’s easy to get rid of them forever…


The number 040853753599 belongs to a market research company that conducts telephone surveys on behalf of various companies. We’ll explain what’s behind it and how you can stop these calls once and for all – because it’s actually very simple.

reading tip

Marco Kratzenberg

What is behind the number 040853753599 and what do the callers want?

  • The phone number belongs to the company “GESS Phone & Field Market Research GmbH“.
  • She carries out serious opinion polls on behalf of other companies.
  • She either got your phone numbers from companies you agreed to contact, or she works with randomly generated phone numbers.
  • The latter is also the reason for the ping calls, where it only rings once. A dialing computer uses this to test whether a number actually exists.
  • There are statistical reasons for the frequent call attempts at different times: so that a survey not only takes into account people who are at home during the day, calls are also made in the evening, for example.
  • At the beginning of the call, the callers will explain to you which company is conducting the survey and what the topic is.
  • You are not obliged to provide answers and can end the conversation at any time.

This is how you get rid of the number 040853753599

Of course you could block the number 040853753599 and make sure that you no longer hear the call attempts. But there is a much more effective way and you can basically switch off all calls from this company – no matter which number they come from.

GSS GmbH is a member of the ADM registered association. This “Working Group of German Market and Social Research Institutes eV” includes dozens of large and reputable market research companies, all of which have committed themselves to complying with strict guidelines.

This also means that you can easily have your phone number blocked for future calls.

  • You can ask for your number to be blocked during the call.
  • You can call them on 0408537530 (Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) and ask for your number to be blocked.
  • Or you can write an email to info@gessgroup.de.

However, you should think this through carefully. These blocked lists are distributed to all members of ADM eV. One should not complain that in such surveys one’s own opinion is not represented correctly if one no longer participates in surveys. It is sufficient if you say at the beginning of the conversation that you are not interested in the current survey.

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