
Fixi app has already received 1 million notifications for Dutch municipalities

The Fixi app helps citizens to quickly report problems in public space to municipalities, and 1 million reports have now been processed. The app was introduced in 2016, and in recent years municipalities have seen an increase in reports about dirt and waste.

Fixi app

Anyone who notices dangerous loose stones in the sidewalk or the work of fly dumping is better to report than grumble. That is the philosophy of the Fixi app. 1 million people have informed their local municipalities about problems in public space via Fixi, the app reports in a press release.

According to the platform, it is mainly reports about waste and dirt that are sent via Fixi, accounting for a total of 34 percent of the reports or 124,129 complaints. In second place are problems with public green spaces (53,305 reports) and in third place (39,555 reports) problems with roads, sidewalks and bicycle paths.

The Fixi app

When you make a report in Fixi, you take a picture of the facts and write a description. The report then arrives at the municipality, and then it also ends up with the right treatment team. In the meantime, you’ll get status updates about the treatment, and you’ll also be notified when the issue you reported has been resolved.

‘Little effort’

“If you want to involve people in their living environment, then as a municipality you have to make sure that reporting problems is very simple,” says Wendy van Duijvenvoorde of Decos, the developer of the platform. residents, but they continue to grumble. At Fixi, therefore, no hassle with DigiD or mandatory login details. We focus on the target group.”

In the meantime, 75 municipalities work with Fixi, which is good for a fifth of all Dutch municipalities. The app has seen the number of municipalities grow in the last two years, because in 2019 another 53 municipalities started using the app. Do they work with Fixi in your area? Let us know in the comments at the bottom of this article.



Anyone who notices dangerous loose stones in the sidewalk or the work of fly dumping is better to report than grumble. That is the philosophy of the Fixi app. 1 million ..

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