
Doubts about electric cars? World record holder clears up prejudices

Even years after their introduction, e-cars feel like they have to prove themselves anew every day in order to convince consumers. A shortcoming that is mentioned again and again: the range. In view of the still inadequate charging infrastructure in Germany, many initially interested parties choose the safe combustion engine. But Frank Mischkowski set a range record with his Tesla, which should silence doubters.

With the electric car from Andalusia to the North Cape — and back again

If in the future someone throws at you “insufficient range” as an argument against e-cars, refer to Frank Mischkowski. The PR consultant traveled with friends from southern Spain to the North Cape of the Norwegian island of Magerøya in 2015. Over 6620 kilometers in 104 hours, spent in a Tesla Model S. Then it went back the same way. In an interview with “Auto Bild”, the world record holder concedes prejudices against electric cars on (source: Car picture).

Mischkowski has now over 250,000 kilometers behind the wheel of a Stromer, so far without any difficulties. According to him, the fear of the range is unfounded – quite the opposite. He is more bothered by “good orchestrated campaigns against electric mobility”that unsettle potential buyers.

With his weapon of choice, a 2017 Tesla Model X with almost 770 hp, he now has 185,000 kilometers covered. According to the most recent analysis, despite degradation, the battery still has over 90 percent battery capacity after all this time.

It wasn’t just the range of the battery that completely convinced him, that too Charging network is much better than is claimed. For a second world record, he and his friends drove the same route as the first time, although they made sure that the loading stops were as short as possible. In total, they spent less than 10 hours at the fast charging station for more than 6600 kilometers.

E-car record holder admits: One problem remains

But even if, according to Mischkowski, what are probably the greatest prejudices are only myths, he has to admit one thing: If you don’t have your own charging facility at home, this puts a damper on the enthusiasm for the new electric car. However, this is not a problem for him: he has installed two wall boxes in front of his office. Not only for your own car, but also for the company cars – a Tesla Model S and a Model X.

This is how the Tesla Model S and Model X drive:

So if you can afford it, you should make use of the advantages of electric cars. Because even without fear of range and doubts about the charging infrastructure – both in Germany and abroad – remain the high acquisition costs A hurdle. For 2022, Deutsche Automobil Treuhand (DAT) determined a significant price increase for both new and used cars. According to this year’s DAT report, half of all vehicle owners surveyed fear that they will no longer be able to afford their car in the future.

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