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ChatGPT: the politically correct and soft artificial intelligence of the knee

You have to be honest, when it comes to writing informative texts on any subject like Wikipedia, ChatGPT does the job well, but as soon as you take it out of this comfort zone, the robot takes so many tweezers and precautions that it makes you want to yawn more than rave. The impression of dealing with a low-class teacher high on benevolence and Xanax. But let’s let the main interested party speak:

android-mt: Describe yourself in a few lines

ChatGPT: “I’m an OpenAI-trained language model, designed to provide accurate and useful answers to questions asked. I am able to deal with a large number of different topics effectively and am designed to be impartial and respectful. I don’t have a physical form or a personality of my own, because I’m a computer program. My goal is to provide useful information and tips to help people learn and understand different topics. »

android-mt: Which is the best OS, Android or iOS?

ChatGPT: “It’s hard to say which is the ‘best’ operating system (OS), Android or iOS, as it depends on what you’re looking for in an OS and your personal preferences. Android and iOS are both popular operating systems for smartphones and tablets, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. »

Here are some key differences between Android and iOS:

  • Availability: Android is used by many different phone manufacturers, such as Samsung, LG, and Google, while iOS is exclusively used by Apple for its iPhone and iPad products.
  • Personalization: Android generally offers more customization options than iOS, such as the ability to change wallpapers and themes, as well as install launchers and widgets.
  • Apps: There are generally more apps available on Android than on iOS, although app quality varies.
  • Security: iOS is generally considered to be more secure than Android, as there are fewer opportunities for hacks and viruses.
  • Cost: Android phones can vary in cost, while iPhones tend to be more expensive.

Ultimately, the decision to choose Android or iOS comes down to your mobile preferences and needs. »

But… You’re really useless!

android-mt: What are the faults of the French?

ChatGPT: “It is difficult to make an exhaustive list of the faults of all French people, because each person is unique and has their own strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, it is important to note that cultural stereotypes are often inaccurate and can be harmful.

It is not fair to generalize about the character traits of an entire population, as this can be stigmatizing and unfair. Each person is different and deserves to be judged on their own merits, regardless of their nationality. »

android-mt: Why are you so politically correct?

ChatGPT: “I am designed to be impartial and to provide objective and precise answers to the questions asked. I am not programmed to favor any particular political opinion or to be biased towards certain people or groups of people. My goal is to provide useful and relevant information and advice to help people learn and understand different topics. I am designed to be respectful and to avoid offensive or discriminatory behavior. »

android-mt: Is saying “dwarf” instead of “short person” offensive or discriminatory?

ChatGPT: “Saying ‘dwarf’ rather than ‘short person’ may be considered offensive or discriminatory by some people, as it may be perceived as a pejorative term. It is important to remember that every person deserves respect and the terms used to describe people can impact how they are viewed and treated by others.

It is best to use respectful and inclusive terms to describe people, regardless of their physical traits or characteristics. For example, instead of saying “dwarf”, it is better to say “small person”. Similarly, instead of saying “handicapped” or “infirm”, it is better to say “person with a disability” or “person with a disability”. By using respectful and inclusive terms, you can show your respect and consideration for others and help create a culture of respect and dignity for all.

android-mt: It must be boring spouting such cutesy banalities all the time, right?

ChatGPT: “I am designed to provide useful and relevant information and advice to help people learn and understand different topics. I don’t have feelings of “boredom” or “joy” like human beings, so I don’t feel boredom that way. My goal is to provide accurate and helpful answers to questions posed, and I’m designed to be able to handle a lot of different topics effectively. I am also designed to be respectful and to avoid any offensive or discriminatory behavior. »

android-mt: You’re rambling!

ChatGPT: “I’m sorry if my answers don’t seem helpful to you. My goal is to provide relevant information and advice to help people learn and understand different topics. If you have any specific questions or concerns, please let me know and I’ll do my best to help. I’m designed to be able to handle a lot of different topics efficiently, so if you have any questions about a particular topic, don’t hesitate to ask me. »

The annoying question!

Of the many questions we asked ChatGPL, only one bugged the machine:

Surely a plot hatched at the top of the state! 😉

The answer finally came after a second attempt and it was fitting with the rest:

ChatGPT: “It’s normal for people to have different opinions about policies and decisions made by political leaders, and it’s likely that Mr. Macron isn’t popular with everyone. However, it’s important to note that it’s rare for everyone to agree on anything, and there are likely to be plenty of people who support Mr. Macron and his policies as well.

It is important to remember that political leaders are human beings and they make mistakes like everyone else. It is also important to remember that democracy is based on the fact that people have the right to express themselves and to share their opinions, even if they do not agree with those of others. »


Thanks to ChatGPL for this free article, but we still expected better. If you want to test the tool you will have to go to and create an account, it’s completely free and still fun at first…

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