
Apple launches iOS 16.5.1(c)

Apple has released a major security update for the third day in a row. This is why you should download iOS 16.5.1(c) right away.

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Apple releases iOS 16.5.1(c).

Another new security update is available for your iPhone, as Apple has released iOS 16.5.1(c). This is already the third security measure that Apple has launched this week. These measures (Rapid Security Responses in English) Apple deploys to resolve major security vulnerabilities. You can recognize these updates by the version designation behind the iOS version, now it is version ‘c’.

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iOS 16.5.1(c) fixes a major vulnerability in Apple’s Webkit. That’s the program that should run all web browsers in iOS, including Safari and Chrome. The leak in Webkit was now generally known, so hackers were also aware of the security problem. Apple therefore released iOS 16.5.1 (a), but that update led to even more problems.

Issues with iOS 16.5.1(a)

In iOS 16.5.1(a), Apple made changes to Webkit to address the vulnerability. It was precisely these changes that caused errors on several websites because they were no longer supported by Safari. For example, Facebook, Instagram, and Zoom stopped working properly in iOS 16.5.1(a). Apple has fixed this issue with iOS 16.5.1(c).

The version of the iOS version is also striking, because Apple never released iOS 16.5.1(b). This update was probably tested internally at Apple, but probably caused new problems, just like version ‘a’. That’s why Apple chose to skip that security measure and immediately release iOS 16.5.1(c).


Important update to install on your iPhone

iOS 16.5.1 (c) should end all (security) problems in iOS 16.5.1. It is therefore important to install the update as soon as possible so that Webkit’s security is in order again. You can find the security measure in your iPhone’s settings under ‘General > Software Update’. Then tap “Download and Install” to update.

Read more: Update iPhone – this is how you install the latest iOS version

Don’t see iOS 16.5.1(c) yet? Then you have to be patient, because Apple often rolls out the update in phases. Usually you have the security measure on your iPhone within 48 hours. Don’t feel like keeping an eye on the update? In that case, enable automatic updates for your iPhone. The security measure will then be installed automatically as soon as it is available!

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