
ADAC and Co. create a mood against combustion engines

The EU Parliament has decided: From 2035 onwards, new combustion engines should be the end of the road in Europe. But the ADAC and other stakeholders do not want to leave it that way. After the EU vote, accusations against the plan are mounting.

The political will in this direction had long been apparent, and yet it came as a shock to some interest groups: the EU Parliament voted to phase out combustion engines from 2035. It’s supposed to automakers ban the launch of models that emit greenhouse gases from this year onwards.

ADAC and VDA reject the end of combustion engines

New cars with internal combustion engines would then be passé – a decision that obviously does not suit stakeholders in the automotive industry. The ADAC says: “The ambitious climate protection goals in traffic cannot be achieved with electromobility alone” (source: mirror). Instead, one should rely on “technology openness”.

In other words, the detour not contained in the parliamentary resolution to obtain the combustion engine via climate-neutral fuels must not be blocked. Karsten Schulze, Technical President of the ADAC, wishes that this position will be reconsidered.

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The Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) is even clearer, President Hildegard Müller speaks of a “decision against the citizens, against the market, against innovation and against modern technologies”. She further criticizes that politicians should not make such decisions without creating the necessary conditions. In large parts of Europe – including Germany – there is insufficient charging infrastructure for the ambitious plans.

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The outcry from ADAC and Co. is by no means too late, because the negotiations with the member states assembled in the EU Council are still pending. With them you become have to agree on a compromiseso that the decision can be implemented. The voices of the VDA and others could create a strong headwind.

However, it is questionable whether this can still throw the plans off track: if the government initially signaled approval, there is now disagreement. The FDP is united against the rigorous combustion engine shutdown. The opposition CDU also takes this horn: Unfortunately, everything is put on one card, according to Jens Gieseke, MEP for the Christian Democrats (source: daily News) – namely on those of electric cars. Nevertheless, he assesses: “The ban on combustion engines in 2035 will probably no longer be preventable.” Especially since many manufacturers are already rushing ahead.

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