How data and analytics help businesses [Anzeige]
The staff is the cornerstone on which a company rises and falls. It is all the more important to find the right people for the job – and to keep them. The People analytics platform by peopleIX promises better HR decisions based on data.
The peopleIX people analytics platform supports companies in recruiting, hiring and retaining employees. In contrast to other HR platforms, the focus is heavily on data analysis and collaboration between HR and the business.
And there is a good reason for that: According to, a new appointment costs about half a year’s salary for the position to be filled – so it is all the more important not only to find applicants, but to keep them in the company in the long term. Leading HR analysts agree: A data-driven culture is paramount to a company’s long-term success.
90 percent are convinced of a “significant business benefit”. 81 percent say that data-driven systems make it easier for executives to make informed business and people decisions. peopleIX supports the management of employees in order to reduce unnecessary fluctuations in the workforce and to increase productivity and the working atmosphere in the company.
Personnel management made easy
The people analytics platform enables an accurate breakdown of all employees based on various relevant metrics. The so-called Actionable Insights provide meaningful recommendations for action and benchmarks in order to make the right personnel decisions based on data.
Instead of distributing this data across numerous systems and thus losing track of things, peopleIX bundles everything on one platform.
The data is drawn from the existing HR and business systems, as well as external data such as market studies. The platform offers analytics in the following five categories:
- recruiting: The platform provides analytics and metrics to optimize recruiting performance and measure the effectiveness of recruiting channels. This reduces hiring costs and attracts new talent faster.
- employee retention: With the help of pattern recognition and extended filter options, the causes of the fluctuation can be identified. In this way, effective measures can be identified and implemented at an early stage in order to retain top talent in the company for longer.
- Performance and Commitment: The platform provides all important metrics and analyzes of employee productivity and performance. In this way, companies can specifically identify measures to increase productivity and make their effect measurable.
- DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion): Measure all important DEI metrics and analyze the effectiveness of DEI measures over time to achieve the company’s long-term diversity goals.
- strategic planning: Plan the development of your organization based on your goals and work together with Business on strategic workforce planning and model different scenarios.
HR reports and team dashboards can be created and deployed in no time. In this way, decision-makers receive data, analyses, insights and recommendations for action in real time. peopleIX creates a common platform for HR and business so that the right people, the right data and analyzes are available at all times.
The peopleIX platform can be easily integrated into all common personnel management, recruiting and other HR systems such as Personio, Workday or Greenhouse.
The future of Digital HR
The people analytics platform is the Complete solution for modern HR teams and executives to operate an active and goal-oriented personnel management. It helps to use data to make well-founded personnel decisions and measures. In this way, the company achieves its goals easily and predictably.
peopleIX offers a personalized and free demo version – so you can test the future of data-driven HR today, without any risk.