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Internet an ecological abyss: everything you need to know about the impact of your consumption



What ecological impact does the Internet have on the environment?

Have you ever thought about your ecological impact when you use the Internet? With every search you perform on your computer or phone like on:

  • Google ;
  • Amazon;
  • GPS;
  • for a video download;
  • any online activity…

All of this requires a network of data storage locations, an international network of cell sites. These networks are large consumers of water and electricity. They emit greenhouse gases. Your computer for example, its manufacture will have required the use of toxic chemicals, water and materials extracted in mines often under unfriendly conditions.

There are more cell phones in the world than toilets. Today, more electronic devices are produced than wheat or rice, to believe that the need for food is no longer so essential.

Every year, we increase our energy needs for electronic technologies by 20%. Indeed, video streaming is booming and requires more connection and more devices. It is estimated that in 2040, the Internet could become the leading producer of greenhouse gases, with a total of 14% of gas emissions. In 2022, we are at a total of 3.5%. This is more than the aeronautical and maritime industries.


What about wireless technologies?

They would consume 10 times more energy than traditional wired technologies. With the 4 and 5G networks, this new technology exposes its users to an easier violation of privacy, it is possible to know where you are, not to mention the exposure to increasingly important electromagnetic radiation, which can cause problems. important health. We do not have enough hindsight on this data, but what is certain is that it has a negative impact on individuals. “If you don’t know you’re part of the problem, you can’t be part of the solution.” Professor Bill Torbert, Boston School of Management.


How to reduce our ecological footprint of the Internet? Here’s what you can do to drive more responsibly:

  • Communicate by text, email or phone instead of using Skype. Better yet, speak in person;
  • favor the purchase of repairable, upgradable and modular electronic devices. Wait as long as possible before replacing them. Buy refurbished devices;
  • download your videos or other via wired devices such as fiber optics which use 10 times less energy than wireless devices;
  • turn off wifi and bluetooth when you don’t need them. Put your laptop in airplane mode. Limit your email or message checks to a few minutes every two hours;
  • do not equip your children too early with new technologies, favor school learning such as reading, mathematics … on notebooks:
  • take the time to rediscover the pleasures of social relationships, go out and physically share with people.




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